Best Birding Guide to Kruger National Park
Prepare yourself with this Best Birding Guide to the Kruger National Park and be amazed with sighting of birds seen nowhere else in South Africa.

Of the 900 or so recorded bird species in southern Africa, approximately 500 can be seen in Kruger, including rarities that are seen nowhere...
Kruger Park is a compelling experience for those open to the drama of the natural world. The vast plains, woodland savanna and riverine gall...
All birds have a preferred habitat with a specialised niche within... thus to see as many bird species as possible, it's necessary to know t...
The origin of today's bird migration patterns to Kruger Park may lie in the Ice Age of approximately 15 000 years ago. Ornithologist GL Mcle...
Birdsong is the soundtrack of the bushveld. One of the joys of birding in Kruger is to be up early enough to experience the dawn chorus of d...
'There is a strong cultural link between the African ancestors and birds. For centuries, African people have been using indigenous birds to ...
Birding in Kruger is a dynamic experience because of the ever-shifting nature of the African landscape. Habitats exist at the mercy of clima...
Kruger's sheer size and diversity of habitats have given sanctuary to bird species that may otherwise have disappeared from southern Africa...
Human intervention has generally been beneficial for birding in the Park. For a start, proclamation of the original Sabi Game Reserve in 189...
Of the 500 or so species found in the Park, about half are summer visitors, with a more or less equal split between breeders and non-breeder...
There are often good raptor sightings in grasslands within the mopaneveld, particularly of rarer species like Pallid and Montagu's Harriers....
Most scientists are in agreement that birds evolved from egg-laying, predatory dinosaurs that existed during the Triassic some 225 million y...
It always helps to know your subjects movements, an anticipate its activity. This is best done by understanding the relationship between sea...